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Top 10 Largest Desert in the World 2023

A desert is a dry region that gets very little rain. Temperatures in a desert may range widely. Due to the harshness of the climate, few plants or animals can survive in the desert. Plants and animals that call the desert home have adapted to its unique conditions. Deserts are home to human populations as well. They have a history of nomadic lifestyles. Estimates suggest that around one-third of the Earth’s landmass is dry or semi-arid. Below are some of the world’s largest deserts.

We invite you to join us on a fascinating adventure across some of the world’s largest deserts as we enter a magical realm. These vast, desolate regions have a magnetic pull, drawing in explorers and nature lovers with the promise of breathtaking scenery. We encourage you to explore the mysteries and wonders of deserts all around the world, from the towering sands of the Sahara to the frigid wastes of the Antarctic. Explore the world’s largest deserts with us as we reveal their stunning beauty and provide a full tour guide to these incredible regions.

The 10 biggest deserts on earth are listed here, in order of total area.

10. Great Basin Desert

Great Basin Desert, Nevada, USA Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash, Largest desert
Great Basin Desert, USA Photo by Manny Becerra

Area in sq. Km – 492.000
Area in miles – 190.000

The Great Basin Desert occupies a significant portion of the western United States and ranks as the world’s tenth-largest desert in the world. The landmass is around 191,000 square miles in size. The Columbia Plateau sits in the north, with the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts to the south and the Rocky Mountains to the east. The Great Basin Desert is a chilly desert, receiving only around 7 to 12 inches of precipitation annually. Summers are scorching hot, while winters are very cold and snowy.

09. Syrian Desert

Syrian Desert Image by wirestocka on Freepik largest desert
Syrian Desert Image by wirestocka

Area in sq. Km – 520.000
Area in miles – 200.000

“Arid wasteland” is how Merriam-Webster defines the Syrian Desert. A genuine desert, semiarid environment, and steppe all come together in the Syrian Desert, making it a very unique place. Parts of Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia make up this region in the Middle East. The Arabian Desert meets the Syrian Desert towards the south. The Syrian Desert covers 85 percent of Joran and 55 percent of Syria.

08. Patagonia Desert

Patagonia, Argentina, Desert Image by soylaritis_f from Pixabay largest desert
Argentina, Patagonia Desert Image by soylaritis

Area in sq. Km – 670.000
Area in miles – 258.688

Argentina is home to the 8th biggest desert on earth, the Patagonian Desert. The landmass is around 258,888 square miles in size. Although most of it may be found in Argentina, some of it can be found in Chile. The Patagonian Desert is bounded to the east by the Atlantic Ocean and to the west by the Andes Mountains. Temperatures seldom get over 12 degrees Celsius in this frigid desert. The yearly average is a chilly 3 degrees C. Descending mountain air makes the desert breezy.

07. Great Victoria Desert

uluru, Great Victoria Desert, Image by Jacqueline Wales from Pixabay, largest desert
uluru, Great Victoria Desert, Image by Jacqueline Wales

Area in sq.Km – 696.200
Area in miles – 268.800.

The Great Victoria Desert has an area of around 268,800 square miles, making it the biggest desert in Australia. It begins in South Australia’s Gawler Ranges and ends in Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields. The Great Victoria Desert has an average of about 20 thunderstorms every year. The Great Victoria Desert has mild winters with average lows around 20 degrees Celsius and hot summers with highs of 32 to 40 degrees Celsius. Annual precipitation averages only around 200–250 mm, fluctuating widely from year to year

06. Kalahari desert

Kalahari desert Image by Tobi from Pixabay, largest desert
Kalahari desert Image by Tobi

Area in Sq. Km – 900,00
Area in miles – 360,000

Southern Africa is home to the large, semiarid grassland known as the Kalahari Desert. About 360 thousand square kilometers of land may be found in the Kalahari. South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia are all included in its scope. Large swaths of the desert are covered with red sand and don’t have any way to reliably drain surface water. It is characterized by arid valleys, saltpans, and pans (seasonally flooded basins or beds). The Okavango is the sole year-round water source in the dry Kalahari region. It eventually reaches a delta in the desert’s northwest. Vegetation of the Kalahari Desert consists mostly of desert plants like cacti and bushes.

05. Gobi Desert

Gobi, Desert, Image by Herbert Bieser from Pixabay, largest desert
Gobi, Desert, Image by Herbert Bieser

Area in sq. Km – 1.295.000
Area in miles – 500.000

Northwestern and northern China, as well as southern Mongolia, are all included in the Gobi Desert’s wide footprint. It covers an area of around 500 thousand square km. Because of its location so close to the Himalayas, the Gobi Desert is sometimes referred to as the “rain shadow desert.” The monsoon winds that bring precipitation cannot reach the Gobi because of the mountains in the way. Instead of sand, the vast majority of the Gobi’s surface is made up of bare rock. Sometimes snow even falls on the dunes of this desert because of how cold it gets.

04. Arabian Desert

Arabian Desert Photo by Walid Ahmad, largest desert
Arabian Desert Photo by Walid Ahmad

Area in sq. Km – 2.330.000
Area in miles – 899.600

The Arabian Peninsula, in western Asia, is home to the vast desert known as the Arabian Desert. It ranks as the world’s fourth-largest desert. About 899,600 square miles are included in its total area. Much of Yemen, the Persian Gulf, Oman, Jordan, and Iraq are included in its reach.

The “Empty Quarter,” also known as Rub ‘al-Khali, is located in its heart and is the world’s biggest continuous body of sand. This region has a very arid climate. The weather varies from the frequent, generally high heat to the seasonal midnight freezing. Average annual rainfall is roughly 100 mm, with as low as 30–40 mm falling annually in the driest places.

03. Sahara Desert

Sahara Desert Photo by Fabian Struwe on Unsplash, largest desert
Sahara Desert Photo by Fabian Struwe

Area in Sq. Km – 9,210,000
Area in Miles – 3.552,000

The Sahara Desert is the biggest “hot desert” and the third-largest desert overall. It covers an area of around 3,300,000 square miles. Except for the lush Maghreb, the mountainous Atlas range, and the coastal area along the Mediterranean Sea, this desert covers the vast majority of North Africa. The majority of the desert consists of stony wastes. The Sahara’s center region is “hyper-arid,” meaning no plants can survive in the region.

The region is well-known for its very hot weather and towering sand dunes, which may reach heights of up to 183 meters. Numerous desert species, such as camels, lizards, and scorpions, survive here despite the hard environment. There are just a few places to get water in the Sahara, however, there are a total of twenty seasonal lakes and two rivers.

02. Arctic Desert

Arctic Desert Image by wirestocka on Freepik, largest desert
Arctic Desert Image by wirestocka

Area in Sq. Km – 13,985,000
Area in Miles – 5,400,000

Covering an area of over 5.4 million square miles, the Arctic Desert is the world’s second-largest desert. Canadian, Danish, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish, and American territories are all partly occupied by the desert. Temperatures in the frigid desert may drop to -40 degrees Celsius or lower in the winter. Deserts have strong winds that may mix up snow, giving the impression of constant precipitation. Climate change poses a significant threat to the Arctic. Concerns have been expressed in recent years over the declining ice levels in the region. Because of the potential effects on world water supplies, the shrinkage of the Arctic Desert is of particular concern.

01. Antarctica Desert

Antarctica Desert Image by David Mark from Pixabay, largest desert
Antarctica Desert Image by David Mark

Area in Sq. Km – 14.000.000
Area in Miles – 5.500.000

The Antarctic is the world’s biggest desert. Located at the Earth’s southernmost latitude, this continent is very windy and chilly. Its average elevation is higher than that of any other continent. Less than 200 millimeters of precipitation per year makes all of Antarctica a desert. Winter temperatures in Antarctica may be as low as -89 degrees Celsius, and that’s being kind.

There are no permanent occupants in Antarctica because of the freezing temperatures and scarcity of fresh water. The seasonal range for the number of short-term inhabitants is between one thousand to five thousand. Scientists and others who assist them make up the bulk of these communities. The Antarctic Desert is around 5.5 million square miles in size. People in Antarctica have to watch out for sunburn and eye strain because of the reflection of the light off the ice.

Finally, the largest deserts on Earth are a stunning example of the sheer force and beauty of Earth’s natural marvels. The grandeur and variety of Earth’s landscapes are brought home to us by these deserts, from the scorching heat of the Sahara to the icy cold of the Antarctic. As a result of our research, we now know more about the ecosystems, astonishing adaptations, and awe-inspiring forces that have sculpted these vast wildernesses over millennia of time.

Discover the delights that the world’s largest deserts have to offer by setting out into their enormous expanses. Experience the ever-changing sands, hear the whisper of the desert wind, and let the vast wildness inspire wonder and respect. These deserts, with their boundless beauty and robust ecosystems, urge us to reflect on the wonder of our planet and the vital role we play in maintaining its delicate balance for future generations.


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