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Top 10 Facts About Albania 2023

Albania, in southeastern Europe, has a rich history, gorgeous scenery, and kind people. The country is surrounded north by Montenegro, northeast by Kosovo, east by North Macedonia, south and southeast by Greece, and west and southwest by the Adriatic Sea and the Ionian Sea. The beaches, crystal-clear seas, and secluded coves along Albania’s coast are a major tourist draw. The Albanian Alps, located in the nation, are the ideal place to find peace and excitement. In addition to its stunning landscapes, Albania also offers a wealth of cultural and historical attractions. It’s like a secret treasure in Europe, just waiting to be found by curious tourists from all over the world.

Land area: 28,748 km2

Official language: Albanian

Currency: Albanian Lek

Population: 2.834 million (2023)

Capital: Tirana

Facts about Albania’s History and Geography

Historical Events:

Albania Map, Facts about Albania
  • The Illyrians were the first known residents of the Albanian area, establishing their civilization around the 2nd millennium BCE.
  • From 168 BCE to 395 CE, Albania was a member of the Roman Empire.
  • From the late 15th century until the early 20th century, Albania was controlled by the Ottoman Empire.
  • On November 28, 1912, Albania made a formal declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire.
  • During World War II, Italy and subsequently Germany invaded Albania. The Albanian resistance and the Soviet Union eventually freed the country.
  • In 1946, Enver Hoxha took control of Albania and established a communist regime that he would use to dominate the nation with an iron hand until his death in 1985.
  • Seven, Albania has achieved great strides in economic growth and political change since its first multiparty elections in 1991.

Geographical Facts:

  • There are 28,748 square kilometers (11,100 square miles) of land in Albania.
  • Mount Korab, the highest mountain in Albania, stands at 2,764 meters (9,068 feet) and is situated in the Albanian Alps, also known as the Prokletije Mountains, in the country’s north.
  • Albania has a coastline of 476 km (296 mi), bordering the Adriatic and Ionian Seas to the west.
  • The Shkumbin is the longest river in the region.

Below, Have Listed the Top 10 most interesting Facts about Albania.

1. There are more Albanians living outside of Albania than within.

Although the official population of Albania is just approximately 2.8 million, the country’s diaspora is far larger. Over thirty percent of Albania’s native-born population has reportedly left the country, with as many as ten million ethnic Albanians now residing in other countries.

2.     Mountains cover nearly 70 percent of the country.

 Albania, sarande-Image by David Mark from Pixabay, Facts about Albania

The mountains that make nearly 70% of Albania’s landmass are a major attraction. There are certain mountains that are shared with other nations. Driving around here will take you through a variety of landscapes, including passes, valleys, and mountains.

3. Albanian is unlike any other language.

Albanian is the official language of Albania, but if you’ve ever tried to read or listen to anything written or spoken in Albanian, you know how difficult it can be. The Albanian language, known as shqip, is completely distinct from any other living language. Since Albanian is its own distinct branch within the Indo-European language family, it has no close linguistic relatives.

4.      Albanians have a serious passion for coffee.

Albania coffee-Image by Ervin Gjata from Pixabay, Facts about Albania

Albania has Europe’s highest concentrations of coffee shops per capita, making it a great destination for caffeine enthusiasts. Espresso (ekspres) and Turkish coffee (kafe Turke) are particularly popular in Albania, but for the locals, coffee is much more than a beverage. Coffee drinking is a common icebreaker when meeting new individuals, whether they be friends or business contacts.

5. Following the Besa Code will ensure your safety.

The ancient “code of besa” is only one example of the Albanian culture that contributes to the country’s high level of safety. The word besa means “faith” or “oath” in English, and it’s used to signify a solemn promise to uphold one’s word. That you should always have each other’s backs and keep your word while making a commitment to one another.

6.     There is no McDonald’s in Albania.

Albania Kolonat, Facts about Albania

When visiting Albania, don’t look for a McDonald’s. Yes, you guessed it: there isn’t a single McDonald’s in sight. There would be so much cultural resistance to bringing McDonald’s to Albania that the company hasn’t even tried. Albanians like hanging out at cafes. However, the fast-food chain Kolonat is quite similar.

7.     The act of nodding leads to confusion.

There’s always body language if you can’t speak the language. Yes and no, and you must be aware of a crucial distinction between the two. Albanians express agreement by shaking their heads from left to right, whereas silence is indicated by a nod up and down. Since this is the complete reverse of how things work in most Western societies, you may find yourself bewildered at first.

Albania Mercedes -Photo by Ingo, Facts about Albania

Nearly everyone in this town drives a Mercedes. Why is that? Everyone began bringing back Mercedes Benz after the great exodus of Albanians left. These automobiles are dependable and well-suited to the shoddy roads of Albania. Many people consider a Mercedes an essential item these days. The vast majority of them are lawful and originate in Germany. Albanians seem to have an entrepreneurial spirit, as those who have worked abroad often bring a Mercedes back to sell when they return home to Albania. This is how prehistoric Mercedes Benz has spread over the nation.

9.     During the height of communism, about 700,000 underground shelters were constructed.

Albania bunker -Photo by özhan Hazırlar, Facts about Albania

During the height of communism, Albania was cut off from the rest of the world by its only ally, China. Enver Hoxha, the dictator, became paranoid as a result and constantly worried about an invasion. He authorized the construction of over 750,000 underground shelters at key locations around the nation. The memorial bunker in front of the Saranda post office is one of the approximately 160,000 remaining bunkers.

10.  Renewable Sources Are Used For Power Generation.

Albania Dam -Photo by Frans van Heerden, Facts about Albania

Albania relies entirely on hydropower facilities to generate electricity, making extensive use of this renewable resource. While this is beneficial for reducing the nation’s carbon footprint, it also makes the country more susceptible to weather and climatic fluctuations. Because of this, Albania must rely on power imports to meet peak demand and mitigate supply problems. Nonetheless, Albania has one of the world’s highest rates of reliance on renewable energy sources.

Here have some other general facts about Albania:

Tirana, Albania - Photo by Marsel Dajçi, Facts about Albania

1.     Albanian cuisine is a fusion of Mediterranean and Balkan tastes, and it is both tasty and diverse. Stuffed peppers, grilled lamb, and byrek (a savory pastry filled with cheese or meat) are some of the most well-liked meals. Delicious vegetarian dishes like fasule (bean stew) and gjell me laker (leek stew) can be found throughout Albanian cuisine.

2.     Along the shore of the Ionian Sea, Albania has a stretch of coastline known as the Albanian Riviera, which has some of Europe’s most spectacular beaches and landscapes. The area is ideal for beachgoers and adventurers alike.

3.     Albania has a rich geological past, and the country’s approximately 3,000 caverns are just waiting to be discovered. The Shpella e Trenit (Train Cave) and the Shpella e Pllumbasit (Pellumbas Cave) are two of the most visited caverns.

4.     The Albanian Alps, located in the country of Albania, are ideal for winter activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. Skiing in the Albanian Alps can be done on an affordable basis, and the scenery is stunning.

5.     The history, geography, and religion of Albania have all left their mark on the country’s culture, making it rich and varied. Albanians are well-known for their oral heritage, which includes a wealth of song, dance, and art. Independence Day, Christmas, and Ramadan are just a few of the many holidays and festivals celebrated by the people of these countries.

6.     The Albanian capital of Tirana is a busy metropolis with a thriving nightlife, excellent dining options, and a plethora of shopping opportunities. New buildings, parks, and public spaces have been constructed across the city in recent years.

7.     Albanians are often regarded as some of the most gifted individuals on the planet. Mother Teresa, Ismail Kadare, and Rita Ora are just a few of the many well-known artists that call Albania home.

8.     Albanian is one of Europe’s oldest living languages and has been in use for nearly 4,000 years, making it one of the world’s oldest languages. Linguists find it intriguing since it is a completely new language with no known linguistic relations.

Albania is a tiny nation, but it packs a big impact when it comes to its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. Albania is a hidden treasure waiting to be found, from its beautiful beaches and craggy mountains to its distinct language and delicious traditional food. Albania is a must-see for everyone seeking an extraordinary vacation, whether they are interested in history, the outdoors, or just want to see somewhere new.


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